英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-03-28(在线收听

 Thailand's Space Agency has released more possible evidence of debris from the missing Malaysia Airlines plane. The satellite images show up to 300 objects floating in the southern Indian Ocean, where Flight 370 is thought to vanished. The search resumed today after was suspended again yesterday because of poor weather. 

Peter Cosgrove is about to become Australia's 26th Governor-General today. The former Defense Chief will be officially sworn in at a ceremony in the senate this morning. He takes over from Dame Quentin Bryce who left the job earlier this week. 
Cardinal George Pell has used his final message to Sydney to apologize to the victims of child sexual abuse. Cardinal Pell has now reacted up at the evidence of the Royal Commission on Institutional Responses to child sexual abuse. Cardinal Pell is about to take up a new senior role at the Vatican. 
Federal treasurer Joe Hockey is meeting his state treasury counterparts in Canberra today. They tried to persuade them to sell public assets and spend the money on infrastructure. Mr. Hockey is expected to offer the states a range of financial incentives to sign up to an agreement. 
The former head of the Health Services Union Michael Williamson is expected to be sentenced for fraud today. Williamson has pleaded guilty to diverting almost 1 million dollars from the Union into businesses in which he had interest. Williamson faces up to 20 years in jail. 