7-6 7月4日——沃尔顿火种节(在线收听

July 4-- Whalton Baal1 Fire


This annual rite2 in the Northumbrian village of Whalton takes its name from either the Celtic3 word bel, meaning “bright,” the Anglo-Saxon4 bail, meaning “ fire,” or from the name of the old British sun god.


Today the bonfire5 is lit in the customary6 corner of the village green at 7:30 p.m., and it blazes hotly while villagers watch and morris7 dancers leap and stamp8 in the pulsating9 shadows. In former times the ritual was more intricate10. The Reverend11 J. Walker, vicar12 of Whalton, wrote in 1903 that “every year on the 4th of July as the sun goes down a huge bonfire is made and lighted.” The firewood, he wrote, had been gathered by a select group of youths over the past several weeks in a nearby forest. It was loaded into “a long cart ... and with much noise and shouting, with the blowing of a horn by one seated on top of the load, it is brought into the village. The pile is carefully constructed... As the twilight13 deepens, the word is given to ‘ light her.’ Then the children, joining hands, will form a moving circle round the burning pile... As the flame mounts higher... it illuminates14 the whole village, a fiddle15 is heard and the young people begin to dance... It was not unknown16 for some to leap over the fire.”



1. Baal [5beiEl] n. 太阳神,丰饶之神

2. rite [rait] n. (宗教等的)仪式;礼节;惯例

3. Celtic [5keltik] a. 凯尔特语的

4. Anglo-Saxon [5An^lEuE 5sAksn] a. 盎格鲁-撒克逊人(或其语言、文化)

5. bonfire [5bCn7faiE] n. 篝火,营火

6.customary [5kQstEmEri] a. 惯常的,习惯上的

7. morris [5mCris] n. 莫里斯舞(英国的一种传统民间舞蹈,舞者通常为男子,身上系铃,扮作民间传说中的人物)

8. stamp [stAmp] vi. 跺脚;踩踏

9. pulsate [pQl5seit] vi. 跳动;搏动;颤动

10. intricate [5intrikit] a. 复杂精细的,错综复杂的

11. reverend [5revErEnd] n. [常作(the)R] (对教士的尊称)大人

12. vicar [5vikE] n. (英国国教等的)教区牧师,教区教堂主持

13. twilight [5twailait] n. 黄昏;黎明

14. illuminate [i5lju:mineit] vt. 照明;照亮;照射

15. fiddle [5fidl] n.〈口〉提琴类乐器;小提琴

16. it was not unknown  (据说)曾有过







