NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2014-04-15(在线收听

Three people were shot and killed this afternoon in the suburb of Kansas city of Missouri.Overland Park police chief John Douglass says they are actively investigating the incident.


The only thing I can know for a fact at this point and time is that there was a shotgun that was involved.And we are exploring the possibility that a handgun was involved in the shooting at the two persons that he missed.And we are looking at the possibility of an assault rifle.



Two people were killed in a parking lot of a Jewish community center of Greater Kansas city,and one at Village Shalom assisted living facility.Authorities say a suspect is in custody.He is described as a white male in his 70s.



Ukrainian government forces are trying to retake an eastern city from pro-Russian activists.From Kiev,NPR's XX reports the first time in Ukraine's crisis today's clashes led to casualties.



After weeks of growing tensions,this marks the first bloodshed in the fight between Ukraine's government and demonstrators in the east.The government staged what it called an anti-terror operation in the city of xx.They were trying to oust armed men in camouflages who seized government buildings and put up road blocks on Saturday.Even if the gunbattle played out in XX,protesters took over government offices in other eastern Ukrainian cities.The demonstrators want closer ties with Russia.They fear that Kiev's new government is pulling Ukraine closer to Europe.Ukraine's interior minister calls these protests Russian aggression.Russia's foreign minister says the demonstrations are an authentic response to Kiev's refusal to account for the needs of Ukraine's Russian-speakers.XX,NPR news,Kiev.



Egypt's prosecutor general is ordering 220 defendants to be put on trial in connection with protests earlier this year.From Cairo,XX reports it's the latest in a series of mass trials.



Police arrested the defendants on January,25th,the anniversary of Egypt's 2011 uprising.On that day,the Muslim Brotherhood called for protest and clashes ensued with police.The arrested ? are charged with attempted murder and assaulting security forces.Egypt's prisons are packed with people arrested from demonstrations and the courts are working overtime.There's an onging crack on understand.Last month,at a another mass trial,a judge sentenced 529 people to death after only two court sessions.Amnesty International called the ruling a grotesque example of the elective nature of Egypt's justice system.And denfence lawyers have filed an appeal.From NPR news,I'm XX in Cairo



NASA says it's going ahead with tomorrow's planned launch of the supply ship for the international space station.This is despite the failure of a standby computer aboard the station.The space agency says a space walk is required to fix the faulty computer ? is scheduled for 4:58pm eastern time.



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A new report that offers recommendations for stoking job growth in Los Angeles ignores losses in one of the area's economic pillars--the entertainment industry.XX reports film advocats are disappointed there is no discussion of what can be done to reverse the decline.



The Los Angeles 2020 commission report lays out 13 recommendations to boost job growth,but none of them address the trouble in the film and TV industries.Even though they rank among the region's largest private employers,thousands of entertainment jobs are lost every year to states with more generous tax incentives.Industry advocate Paul Audley says there is a sure-fire way to bring those jobs back home to Hollywood.This industry will overturn immediately if the state becomes competitive and that means tens of thousands of jobs and ...dollars expenditure.The California legislature is considering a bill to fatten up the state's tax credit part from the current 100 million dollars to 400 million so it can compete with rivals like New York and Louisiana.From NPR news,I'm Daniel Carson in Los Angeles.



Federal investigators in northern California say despite witness reports,they can not confirm the fedex truck that collided with a student tour bus on Thursday was on fire.National Transportation Safety Board member xx said there was no evidence to support the claim.



Our fire group has examined the accident scene and vehicles.There is no evidence of pre-impact fire located at the accident scene,on the median or on the highway.Ten people died in the crash,including 5 students,3 adult chaperones and both drivers.
