
  BRUSSELS, May 24 (Xinhua) -- The Belgian Procuratorate confirmed Saturday evening, a few hours after the shooting in Brussels, to the press that a suspect has been arrested and another one fled.
According to the Procuratorate, it's good that the detainee "is a suspect and not a witness," but the link with the facts has not yet been established.
An investigation into the other fleeing suspect is underway, the Procuratorate added.
On the eve of Belgian federal and regional parliamentary elections on Sunday, a shooting occurred Saturday afternoon near a Jewish museum at downtown Brussels, that caused three people killed and one seriously injured.
Belgium Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Didier Reynders, present in the district of Sablon at the time of shooting, can not help "thinking of an anti-Semitic act in view of the operational mode".
Although the Belgian Interior Minister Joelle Milquet said Saturday that it is still "too early to say whether this is a terrorist act aimed at the Jewish community."
According to witnesses, shots were fired around 4 p.m. local time near the Jewish Museum in the district of Sablon in Brussels.
Twelve seriously shocked people were taken care by assistance services, local media quoting Brussels Firefighters' spokesperson Pierre Meys as saying.
"Shocked by the murders committed at the Jewish Museum, I'm thinking of the victims I saw on site and their families," Belgium Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Didier Reynders, said on a social-networking site.
"The whole district was cordoned off. Jewish sites have been placed under security", the newspaper L'Avenir reported earlier, and adding that a shooter fled in a vehicle, but the license plate was taken notes by the police.(本文由在线英语听力室整理编辑)
