英语听力:自然百科 行星旅行:土星 Saturn—12(在线收听

 Cassini has solved the mystery of how at least one of Saturn rails' formed, and this may help solve the bigger mystery of life beyond Earth, * may be the hottest ticket in town, but don't overlook the heavy weight container for the titan lovemoon with the most, titan. Larger than Mercury or Pluto, Saturn's titan is the only other world apart from the Uranus and Venus to have both solid ground and a thick atmosphere.

Titan, if it went in orbit around another planet, we really know hesitation calling into planet into sunrise. We knew going, the titan was gonna be exciting, titan was a mystery, hidden inside this hazy, smoggy atmosphere. 
Cassini confirmed the titan is shrouded in thick orange smog, laboratory experiments have shown this could be the result of 4.5 billion years of sunlight, reacting with thick nitrogen and messing in atmosphere, Cassini's camera could only see partly through the haze, the patches of light and dark look like continents and oceans. The picture we had of titan before we got there was that it was gonna be dark and eerie and cold, as dark as twilight on the earth, even at a high new and you could be standing on the body the size of Mediterranean, breaming with pain dealer, for over 7 years, the European and Huygens probe wrote piggy back on the American Cassini spacecraft, on Christmas 2004, it was sent on its way.  