美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-05-08(在线收听

 Thank you for taking ten minutes for CNN's student news, I am Carl Azuz. It is great to see you. We are following up the story we told you about before. It happened in a western African country of Nigeria, Polices there say there are 223 girls are stilling missing after a terrorist group kidnapped them from their dormitory on 14,April. Many Nigerians don't think their government is doing enough to rescue the girls. Hundreds of them have been  protesting in the city of Lagos. Their nation's president says his government would finally free the kidnapped teenagers. Meantime people around the world are trying to spead the world about this atrocity. 

Almost 200 schoolgirls are missing for more than two weeks. How did that happen? Nigerians known strangers the problems of militant groups, but they have never seen somthing like this before. This militant group Boko Haram, their name means western education is a sin. They went into a high school filled with girls, took them out and many of them have not been seen since. Moms,dads, grandparents, those are going out into force and they are not seeing the Nigerian government, they are not seeing the Nigerian military , they are not seeing people expect to be out there looking for their girls. The Nigerian arm forces say they will keep on looking for these girls until they find them. But days later there are not any indeed information,they believe it might actually be a play trying to distract them. But the people, they are frustrated, they are upset. And then they will feel there will be nowhere to turn, except for social media. All you have to do is typing a few letters BRI immediately, has checked out bring back girls pops up. Not just Nigerians, but people from Ameria, Australia hopping to get attention of their governments. Maybe they can do something to try to find their girls. So I was just looking at CNN, Facebook page and saw Nigerian after Nigerian asking for more attention pleading to assign just another reporter, so this story can be seen by everybody, so that these girls can be found. 
You just turned out BOKO Haram is the group  responsible for the kidnapping. It is a militant Islamic organization, who ties to the Al-qadea terrorists group. A video released on Monday shows the man who claims to Boko Haram 's leader. He says he kinapped the girls that he plans to sell them and western education should end. He then encourages girls to get married instead of getting an education. One student who spoke to CNN says that is not what most of the girls themselves want. And we need to go to school so we can be who we want to be. But many girls do not, if you , I wish you could talk to many of us . We want to see the dreams, I want to be a lawyer and I want to be a nurse, and it is very, I think you can not get all these like 2% who will say  I just want to be married,just want to be a mother, just be a housewife.
Moving east to the Middle East, Saudi Arabia is where most cases of MERS(中东呼吸综合症冠状病毒) have surfaced. MERS stands for middle east respiratory syndrome. It is a dangerous virus which has sicken hundreds of people and killed more than one hundred. For the first time, someone was diagnosed with MERS in the US. He is a healthcare provider who travelled to Saudi Arabia in late April. He checked into Indianna hospital with symptoms on the 28th. Doctors say he is recovering well and should be able to go home soon and there are no other known cases in America. But where did this virus come from in the first place? 
We don't know exactly where this virus comes from, they believe it is made jump from the camels to humans. About three fodders of single hunt camels in Saudi Arabia have the underbodys in particular of the virus. And they believe the virus itself was in camels over there. But how exactly we get transmitted, it is from droplets of camel's spit, could it be camel meat or even unprocessed camel milk? They just don's know. 
Alright, quite a bit trivia for you. Who is the world's longest reigning monarch? Here is a hint, it is not Britain's Queen Elizabeth. For the answer, you have to look toward Thailand. Like the UK, it is a constitutional monarchy, and like the UK queen, Thailand's king doesn't have significant govenmental power. But king Bhumibol Adulyadej is deeply revered in his country. It's illegal to criticize him. His birthday is Thailand's national holiday. Thousands turned out yeasterday wearing the King's corlor yellow to celebrate the 64th anniversary of the core nation. King Bhumibol is not in good health, he has been ill for years, but he still attended the celebration with citizens who see his Thailand's father. 