美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-05-26(在线收听

 Hi I am xxx, happy to deliver your Thursday edition of cnn student news, thanks for watching, there are 26 veterans there in hospitals currently being investigated by the us government, accusations recently came to line that some veterans mentions why have to wait long to treatment,  last month resources told cnn that forty veterans have died waiting in the hospital of xxx, yesterday president Obama made his first comment on this, he called the idea dishonored and disgraceful  our veterans deserve know the facts their families deserve to know the fact, once we know the facts, I will assure you this misconduct will be punished   but no one has been punished yet, veterans and their secretary xxx still has his job and president Obama said he need more time to review what is happening in vo hospital before punishing anyone, critics say the president not do enough to hold people accountable, and the starting to clean up the department of veteran affairs. 

next story take story to Chad, the nation in central Africa the White house announced yesterday that 80 us troops were held there. Chad was next to Nigerian where more than two hundred school girls were recently kidnapped by a terrorist group last month, officials think that the girls might be taken to Chad neighboring xxx us arm forces will be operating and drone there in the region gathering intelligence that hope to lead to the girls' rescue. president Obama informed congress under deployment yesterday that us war powers are divided between the government executive and legislative branches. The president has to tell congress whenever he send troops potentially in arm way 
next on today we are across land and sea to get to Japan there is every sort of ghost town northern part of the country there is the city named Fukushima, its residents have to leave after the earth quake and tsunami in 2011, in addition to killing the 16000 people and destroy part of the Japanese coast the water damaged the Fukushima xxx power plant, and the danger would linker for decades is a kind you can't see. Lifeless, decaying, desolate, Fukushima is virtually untouched since the awful day three years ago, people living here have to take just hours when they could and go, fields once were full of crops, now full of black bag with contaminated soil, right row we were on the bus heading Fukushima xxx the police check point which stop any body from coming in and what we were seeing along the road so many empty homes, and businesses . a senior scientist bring his team in Fukushima University just published a study, claiming the power plant operator texxx grossly underestimated radioactive positioning seizing 137 releasing during the melt down. this material has already gone into the ocean, it is already there, he is especially worried about contaminated fish, a country where most of the meal comes from the sea, his research team says sodium spilled into the air during the melting down and later fell into the water, contaminating the north pacific ocean and the Japanese mainland, Taclo says the companies radiation estimate from the best information they have met, the spokeperson has admitted no one really knows for sure, this is my first time going inside deep the most dangerous places on earth, where there is special suits to protecting from radiation we pass through security xxx to the hots, Fukushima nuclear plant, 
piece by piece, workers are trying to safely take their part . Even under normal conditions, this is slow rolling work, this reactor four, this reactor potentially intact, this reactor 1,2,3 melt down, a lot of damage a lot of contamination, and the clean up at least to take decades, Outside, buildings, bater by the fifty xxx volts of water, the 21 tsunami, die a reactor , inside a reactor control room,with wall turning to make shift no packet when the plane lost power, water level measurement when workers trying to make the melt down. the invisible danger in Fukushinma continues while this town is continuing to seek empty for years, as crews trying to contain the slow move of catastrophes that turn their homeland into this waste land