Hourly News 每日新闻 2014-05-02(在线收听

Two suspects, one citizen killed in Xinjiang attack
The authorities have confirmed that two of the three people killed in the Urumqi terror attack in Xinjiang are acutally suspects.
The third person was a civilian at the train station where the attack happened.
One of the dead suspects has been identified as Sedirdin Sawut, a 39 year old from southern Xinjiang. The other hasn't been named but police say both had long been involved in religious extremism.
The two suspects slashed at people with knives and set off explosions at one of the exits at Urumqi's largest railway station.
The train station returned to normal operation just a couple of hours after the attack and reports it has been busy with long-weekend travelers.
At least nine killed in Nigeria blast
At least nine people have been killed and 11 injured in an explosion on the outskirts of the Nigerian capital of Abuja.
No group has claimed responsibility yet, though local authorities are already blaming Boko Haram insurgents.
Witness says a car laden with explosives appeared to blow up near a checkpoint on a busy road in the city.
Police have cordoned off the area around the blast site.
The checkpoint was set up after a bombing in the same area last month that killed at least 75 people.
April's attack was carried out by the Islamist militant group Boko Haram.
Protesters storm prosecutor's office in Donetsk
Pro-Russia protesters have stormed the local prosecutor's office in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk.
Protesters have discarded the Ukrainian flag on the building and replaced it with that of the Donetsk People's Republic.
Meanwhile, Ukraine authorities have reinstated military conscription to deal with the rising tension in the east of the country.
It is reported that the authorities are also planning to retake administration buildings in the eastern regions later today by using its armed forces.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has urged Ukraine not to use armed force, saying it will lead to a catastrophe.
Ukraine and Russia have blamed each other for the rising tensions.
Police, protesters clash in Istanbul
The May-Day holiday march in Turkey's capital has turned violent.
Police and protesters have been clashing in Istanbul.
Security personnel have been firing tear gas and water cannons to try to dispurse hundreds of marchers who took to the streets in defiance of an order banning a march on Taksim Square.
Scores of people have been injured or detained across Istanbul.
Taksim Square was where mass demonstrations against the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan broke out last year.
Mass demonstrations have also been planned for other cities across Turkey to mark the May-Day holiday.
Trade unions in Turkey have called for the marches in protest against the government's ban on rallies, which was put in-place following the unrest that engulfed Istanbul and other parts of Turkey last year.
Registration for Syria's presidential elections closes with 24 contenders
Registration for Syria's contentious presidential vote has wrapped up.
24 contenders, including incumbent President Bashar al-Assad, have registered their candidacies.
The 24 applications will be scrutinized by the courts, in accordance with Syria's electoral law and constitution.
Initial results of that effort will come out in five days.
Voting for Syrians inside the country will start on June 3, while those overseas will cast their votes on May 28.
Malaysia releases preliminary report into MH370
Malaysian authorities have released a preliminary report into the disappearance of flight MH370.
The preliminary report confirms that military radar tracked a plane after takeoff in early March as it turned in a westerly direction across the Malaysian peninsula.
But the military took no further action because the plane was deemed "friendly".
The release of the report comes as Malaysia Airlines says that the continuing search and investigation will be a prolonged process.
The Airline also says it will compensate next-of-kin who are entitled to claim compensation.
Meanwhile, the Chinese Foreign Ministry says China will actively participate in the follow-up search operation.
Ford announces new CEO
Ford Motors' Chief Operating Officer Mark Fields will succeed Alan Mulally as the company's president and chief executive officer.
Executive Chairman Bill Ford, great-grandson of company founder Henry Ford, appears to be enthusiastic about the transistion.
The naming of 53-year-old Fields as the next CEO was expected.
Fields says he does not plan changes to the company's leadership team, and said his primary focus will be to continue acceleration of progress on the "One Ford" plan established by Mulally.
That plan calls for sharing of engineering and design of vehicles around the globe to improve quality and cut costs.
68-year-old Mulally is credited with transforming the No. 2 U.S. automaker from a money-loser to a company that expects to realize a pretax profit of up to $8 billion this year.
China launches tighter regulation on diary imports
Food quality authorities here in China have brought in a new regulation to try to better regulate the dairy industry.
Under the new rules, only producers which meet Chinese government standards will be allowed to sell their products in this country.
This means foreign producers hoping to sell their products in China will have to go through approvals beyond what they have to adhere to in their own countries.
There are currently some 12-hundred foreign dairy producers registered to sell their products here in China, including over 40 baby formula makers.
