Hourly News 每日新闻 2014-05-07(在线收听

Economic, cultural ties "two wheels" of China-Africa cooperation: Chinese premier
Premier Li Keqiang is in Nigeria on the second leg of his African tour following his 3-day visit in Ethiopia.
Upon his arrival, Li Keqiang said China and Nigeria have maintained close communications, and hopes his visit can further promote bilateral ties.
The Chinese premier is due to attend the 2014 World Economic Forum on Africa and meet African leaders in the Nigerian capital.
The Chinese premier spent his last day in the Ethiopian capital in a meeting with business leaders and representatives from the education and art community, calling for continuous economic and cultural cooperation with African countries.
Li Keqiang told his audience in Addis Ababa that economics and trade, together with people-to-people and cultural cooperation between China and Africa, are "the two indispensable wheels" of their overall cooperation.
Six injured out of danger in Guangzhou knife attack
Authorities have confirmed that the six people injured during a knife attack in the southern city of Guangzhou are out of danger.
The incident took place on Tuesday at a train station.
Police have a man in custody, but his identity is not clear at this point.
The male suspect hacked at people before police fired warning shots.
He then turned on the police and was shot and injured.
The motivation behind his attack remains unclear.
Chinese citizen abducted by five armed men in Malaysia
Another Chinese national has been abducted in eastern Malaysia.
This time, a 34-year old man has been snatched by suspects believed to be from the southern Philippines.
Malaysian authorities say 5 armed suspects grabbed the man and fled just before 3am in Sabah.
The hostage, a fish-farm worker from Guizhou, had been working in Sabah for the last 3-years.
So far no ransom demands have been made public and no group has claimed responsibility.
The kidnapping from Sabah follows on the heels of a similar incident in early April which saw a graduate student from Shanghai and a Filipino woman kidnapped from a resort in Sabah.
The Abu Sayyaf militant group in the southern Philippines has been demanding over 11-million US dollars to secure her release.
Chinese fishermen receive burns treatment in San Diego
Two Chinese fishermen are now being treated in hospital in San Diego after their fishing boat caught fire and sank off Mexico's west coast.
The fishermen are being treated for non-life threatening burns.
Their boat caught fire and sank in the Pacific Ocean on Friday.
11 of the 17 crewmbers on the boat managed to survive the initial fire.
Two of them later died of their injuries.
6 others are listed as missing.
At least 200 killed in fresh Nigeria attack
At least 200 people have been killed in a fresh attack in Nigeria.
Reports say insurgents stormed a border town in Nigeria's northeastern state of Borno, shooting indiscriminately at residents.
No group has claimed responsibility so far.
But local residents are pointing fingers at the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram.
Boko Haram sunk to new depths: UN Human Rights
.At least eight more girls have been kidnapped in northeast Nigeria's Borno State.
It comes just 24 hours after Boko Haram claimed responsibility for the mid-April abduction of over 234 schoolgirls in the same region.
The group describes the girls as slaves and threatens to sell them in the marketplace.
Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan says the government is doing everything possible to ensure the schoolgirls are released.
He also says the government has accepted a US offer to help in the search, including security personnel.
Russia says Ukraine talks should include opposition leaders
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says he is open to another round of international talks on easing the Ukraine tensions if they included pro-Russian activists in Ukraine.
Lavrov made the comment after a foreign ministers' meeting in Austria.
Meanwhile authorities in Kiev say Ukraine is ready to back the talks as long as Moscow supports Ukraine's Meanwhile upcoming presidential elections, but insist that pro-Russian activists have no place at such negotiations.
The U.S. at the meantime threatens Russia with further sanctions if it interferes with Ukraine's national elections.
Thailand PM- Embattled Thai PM testifies in abuse of power case
Thailand's Prime Minister, Yingluck Shinawatra, has appeared at a Bangkok court to testify against abuse of power allegations.
The Thai Prime Minister is accused of abusing her authority by transferring her National Security Council chief in 2011 to another position.
Yingluck denied the allegations.
The Judge says the court will rule later today.
Members of her Cabinet who are in office at the time of the transfer can also be found liable.
The country has seen street demonstrations for six months, with protesters demanding Yingluck's resignation.
Protesters have accused Yingluck of being a proxy for her brother Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted after being accused of corruption.
Chinese outbound investment in overseas property market soars 80 percent in the first quarter
Chinese outbound investment in overseas residential development surged 80 percent year on year in the first quarter of 2014.
A Jones Lang LaSalle report shows that Chinese institutional investors spent a record 1.1 billion US dollars in overseas residential development during the period.
That is compared with 600 million dollars registered in the same period a year earlier.
Among the major players, Shanghai-based state-owned developer Greenland has been the most active of all outgoing Chinese residential developers.
Greenland purchased the Ram Brewery and Hertsmere House sites in London earlier this year.
The real estate giant also acquired a number of properties in Los Angeles and Sydney around the same time.
