
   And then we're going to add four new Board members, the rest of the prior Board has resigned. We are gonna add four new Board members to carry die company forward. The first is Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle. (Cheers) I hope that wasn't a boo I'm hearing. Larry started Oracle in his garage about a year after we started Apple. It's grown to be the second largest software company in the world. We would like to do a lot more in terms of software, and we thought having some software industry expertise would be a good idea on the Board. The second Board member is Jerry York, former CFO of IBM and Chrysler. Jerry did a lot of the turnaround work at Chrysler and IBM, and is extremely well-known and respected in the financial community for his work. The third new Board member is Bill Campbell, CEO of Intuit. Bill, in addition to being a CEO of Intuit, was formerly the Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Apple during some of its heyday. He also ran Claris. He is very familiar with some of the successes and some of the failures that Apple has had,and I think he will be an extremely good Board member. And lastly, I am joining the Board as well.

  其他的前任董事会成员都辞职了,我们又纳入了四位新的董事会成员,在今后将为公司掌舵。第一位是甲骨文公司的首席执行官拉里?埃里森。(欢呼声)我希望我刚才听到的不是嘘声。大概在我们成立苹果一年以后,拉里在他的车库里成立了甲骨文公司。现在甲骨文公司已经成为世界上第二大软件公司。在软件方面我们都愿意倾注更多的心力。 我们认为在董事会里面有一些软件行业的专家将如虎添翼。第二位董事会新成员,杰瑞·约克,曾任IBM和克莱斯勒公司的首席财务官,杰瑞曾为扭转克莱斯勒和IBM 的亏损状况贡献不少,他也因其出色的工作能力在金融界广为人知并备受尊敬。第三位新董事会成员是财捷公司首席执行官比尔·坎贝尔,他曾在苹果最辉煌的时期担任市场营销部的副总裁,同时他还运营着Claris公司。他非常熟悉苹果曾经有过的成功和失败,我想他将会是一位非常好的董事会成员。最后,就是我,也加入了董事会。