英文摇滚乐:A Thorn For Every Heart - The game(在线收听

A Thorn For Every Heart这支乐队来自美国的加州(加州是个出好音乐的地方)。他们组建于03年,好像当年就出了张EP。在04年的时候与Kickball厂牌签约,在这一年里发行了首张专辑《Things Aren't So Beautiful Now》。风格上有点主流PUNK的感觉,不过还是值得好好听下的。这张专辑柔和了许些,You're the one应该算得上这张专辑中最柔和的一首。当然这首带给人的感觉是很棒的!


Song:The game
Artist:A Thorn for Every Heart

What are they gonna say when you just move along?
We'll get you out of here, just be strong,
(We'll get you, get you out.)
I thought I saw you today, I couldn't be wrong.
(Oh, and you have changed.)
You were caught between the lines and you couldn't get out.
It's been a few years since you left home.
Do you miss your residence?
Just keep on trying and you'll get out soon.
You'll get out soon.

I think you're doing much better but you say I fold.
You think you're oh so clever but you say I fold.
You say I fold.
Give up and give up and move on and move on,
With the rest, with the rest of your lonely life.

Have you selled yourself?
It's such a shame the way they use you up, destroy your name.
We'll get you out of here, just be strong.
Gonna bend the life you can't get out.

I think you're doing much better but you say I fold.
You think you're oh so clever but you say I fold.
You say I fold.
Give up and give up and move on and move on,
With the rest, with the rest of your lonely life.

I think you're doing much better but you say I fold.
You think you're oh so clever but you say I fold.
(Give up and give up and give up and give up)
You say I fold.
(And move on and move on)
You say I fold.
(With the rest, with the rest)
You say I fold.
