2012年ESL之日常生活 14 Dealing With the Heat(在线收听


Dealing With the Heat

Jolene: I’m sweating like a pig. When is this heat wave going to end? 

Eric: I’ve no idea, but I’m not moving a muscle until it does. Hand me that pitcher of iced tea, would you? 

Jolene: Get it yourself. I’m not moving until it drops below 80 degrees. 

Eric: It’s not the temperature. It’s the humidity. It’s not even the dog days of summer yet and it’s scorching outside. 

Jolene: It’s scorching inside, too. Why can’t that fan move any faster? Remind me why we moved into an apartment with no air conditioner? 

Eric: We couldn’t afford an apartment with an air conditioner. We were lucky to get this place. 

Jolene: I don’t feel so lucky right now. My legs are stuck to this chair and I’ve sweated through my clothes. 

Eric: We could buy a portable air conditioner. 

Jolene: We can? 

Eric: Yeah, but you’d have to get up. 

Jolene: Ugh, let’s do it tomorrow. 


Script by Dr. Lucy Tse 
