step by step 第一册 lesson 15(在线收听

UNIT 8 GOING SHOPPING Lesson 15 Part ⅠWarming-up Exercises

Lesson 15

Part   Warming-up Exercises

ANumbers: Prices

1AOh, Duane, how do you like this chair?

BIt's  soft and comfortable. How much is it?


BThat's a bargain. Let's take it.

2AThat's  a pretty sofa.                            BYes, it is. Is it expensive?

ANot very.  Only ____.                        BOnly ____!

3AHow much is this table lamp?                  BIt's ____.

4ALet's buy this floor lamp, John.

BNo,  it costs too much.

ANo, it doesn't. It's cheap. It's only ____

5AWhat a beautiful stereo!

BYes, and it's on sale today.

AHow much is it? B____

6ADo you like this car?                              BHow much is it first?

A____                                                  BOkay,  I'll try it.

7AHow much does gas cost?                      BIt's____ a gallon.

A How much is oil?                              B____ a quart.









Lesson 15 Part Ⅱ Shopping For Clothes

Part         Shopping For Clothes


1aA skirt.                                         bA sweater.

cA shirt.

2a$37.99.                                        b$39.79.


3aThe white one.                              bThe orlon one.

cThe cotton one.

4aBy cash.                                       bBy putting it on charge.

cBy using her card.

5a1730  Oat  Drive.                       b1730 Oak Drive.

c1730 Oaf Drive.

Lesson 15 Part Ⅲ Fathers Day

Part   Father's Day


Ⅰ.Mrs. Reed  said to Susan, her ____, Don't  forget, Susan,  tomorrow's ____. Oh, my goodness, said Susan. I don't have a ____. ____ should I get him, Mother? I don't know, said Mrs. Reed. That's always a ____. Why don't you walk down to the ____ and try to ____ something? Susan hurried to the ____and went into the ____store. She had ____. She thought, I think I should get him something to ____,then she thought, No, I ought to buy something for him to ____.

Ⅱ.1____Susan didn't want to buy a shirt because the colour was not good.

2____ Susan wished she could get the beautiful tie because she knew her father would like it.

3____ Susan saw the price on the tag was exactly $3.00, so she decided to buy the tie.
