
   That day those two men taught me the leaders see the possibilities in others and possibilities in circumstances, and so I will close with my other side of career advice before I take your question, which is don't spend all your time worrying about the next job, do the job you have, do it with passion, do it with commitment. Do it with excellence, and do it with honor and integrity, learn everything you can in the job you are doing, focus on the possibilities where can you make a difference. Don't fixate on all the things you can't do, focus on the things you can do. And if you do that, opportunity will knock. People will present you with opportunities to do more, when opportunity knocks, do not be afraid to answer, do not be afraid to go outside your comforts to try something new to take a risk, maybe to make a mistake. It is what life and success are made of. I never had a plan to be a CEO, I never thought I would be a CEO, the first time it ever occurred to me that maybe I could be a CEO was when I graduated from Sloan, and probably because I saw a lot of CEOs walk through here, and I discovered watching all those CEOs, some of them I had enormous respect for, some I did not, some I like to have a drink with afterwards, some I hoped I never see again, some seemed comport themselves with excellence and honor, some did not. People are people wherever you go,and if you can choose to lead or not.
