财富精英励志演讲 第115期:互联网会改变一切(2)(在线收听

   But what you see is the Internet and I want to define the Internet not in a whole bunch of technology terms. The Internet to me is one big network. It's not the cooperate Intranet; it's not the extranet that tie together your supplies with you at work. It's not the big-Internet. It's all one that works because no sooner do we create the terminology than the lines learn. But literally it will change every aspect of our lives, the way we work. Those companies who understand how to apply the technology would get ahead of other companies, and perhaps it would determine the growth of their survival. It will change the way we play and live and the ways just started to dream about the day and perhaps children understand better than we do. And we also change the way we learn, because the people who graduate today from school will have between six and ten jobs as they move forward. I want to very much thank COMDEX for allowing me to be here today in soft-FAQ and I also want to thank to group for allowing us to broadcast our network to Europe and welcome the European crowd.

  I'd like to really focus on primarily how this changes the way we work as we move forward. But I want to draw how quickly this change is occurring involving almost like Industrial Revolution if you view the past. When you think about it, the Industrial Revolution occurred, starting in Great Britain spread in West Europe and then the United States. It changed the way we worked, lived, and played, many for the better, It determines which economy will take off. It also determines what was the skill sets we needed, the very simply good, what it did is it brought together machines and people in factories and it changed forever our life.
  我最想说的主要是这对我们工作方式的改变。如果我们回顾历史,就会发现,这次变 、化如同当年的工业革命一般迅猛。当时工业革命发生在英国,紧接着蔓延到西欧,然后到达美国。它改变了我们的工 作、生活和娱乐的方式,很多方面都变得更美好,它决定了什么样的经济将成为主导,它也决定了什么是我们所需的技术——简单而又好用的技术,它把机器和工的工入结合在一起,并永远地改变了我们的生活。