财富精英励志演讲 第126期:互联网会改变一切(5)(在线收听

   They understand particularly the large companies organize improperly. You see the spends of controlling increase dramatically removal of the layers of the organizations and the impairment of the workforce. But the impairment only works if you have access to the information and you know what you are supposed to be able to do. And nearly the companies you learn how to do this are going to be the one moving ahead.

  One of the reasons our economy is so strong in the US versus other economies around the world is how this high technology is being applied and it doesn't take mathematicians very long to realize which way this trend is heading. You can still see other countries around the world follow the similar trends or they are gonna be left behind as you move forward. When you look at the network, if I were to show you a network design of what you really go through a major business, only an engineer would get excited about it-which is cool. It is unbelievably complex in terms of how you share information. For me, leader's point of view I took at the network I think about is my home office, my international locations, my sales offices, my key suppliers, the ability of my employees, and partners, and suppliers get access from their homes to the information they are entitled to or as you move around the world. But as I began to look at the complexity this represent is kind of scaring. Nearly what you want to see customers or what customers want to see us do as venders is make this transparent to them.
  美国的经济比其他国家发达的一个原因是我们知道如何运用高科技,不用花数学家们多长时间就能看到这个趋势走向。但其他国家也正在追随这一趋势,否则我们在发展而他们将落后。如果我向您展示您的产业是如何通过网络设计来实现的话,估计只有当您是个工程师时才会感兴趣——感觉这会比较酷。就信息共享来说,这项技术太复杂了。我从一个领导者的角度来看,我眼中的网络就是我的办公室,我的国际事务所,我的销售部,我的主要供应商,我的雇员的能力和我的合作者。并且供应商可以在家中获得信息。但是想到这其中的复杂性我就觉得害怕。要使你可以看到客户的操作以及使客户看到供应商的 操作,网络对他们来说就得有相当的透明度。