VOA慢速英语2014 美国及盟国能否摧毁伊斯兰国?(在线收听


Will US, Allies Destroy Islamic State Group? 美国及盟国能否摧毁伊斯兰国?

From VOA Learning English, this is In The News.


This week, Islamic State militants released a video showing the execution of an American journalist. Steven Sotloff was captured in Syria in August of last year. He worked for Time and Foreign Policy magazines.

本周,伊斯兰国激进分子发布了一段视频,显示处决一名美国记者的画面。史蒂芬·索特洛夫(Steven Sotloff)于去年八月份在叙利亚被俘。他为《时代》和《外交政策》杂志工作。

His death and the earlier execution of another American journalist, James Foley, have angered many people in the United States. President Barack Obama says the “horrific” killing of Steven Sotloff will unite the country and strengthen its resolve in dealing with terrorists. The president spoke on Wednesday during a visit to Estonia. He said the United States plans to build a coalition to, in his words, “degrade and destroy” the Islamic State militants.

他的死亡和早些时候另外一美国记者詹姆斯·福莱(Steven Sotloff)被处决触怒了美国许多人。奥巴马总统表示,史蒂芬·索特洛夫(StevenSotloff)被残忍杀害促使全国团结起来,增强了打击恐怖分子的信心。周三,奥巴马总统访问爱沙尼亚期间发表讲话。他表示,美国计划组建联盟,“瓦解和摧毁”伊斯兰国激进分子。

“We will not be intimidated. Their horrific acts only unite us as a country and stiffen our resolve to take the fight against these terrorists.” 


Steven Sotloff was from the state of Florida. The state’s governor, Rick Scott, halted a political campaign event to announce the reporter’s death and condemn those responsible.

史蒂芬·索特洛夫(Steven Sotloff)来自佛罗里达州。该州州长斯格特(Rick Scott)停止了一场政治竞选活动,宣布这位记者的死讯,并谴责了暴徒。

“The people who did this are evil. They are not merely wrong. They are not adversaries. They are evil.” 


Members of the U.S. Congress have expressed concern about the threat from Islamic State militants. Some members are demanding intensive air attacks. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas is likely to seek the presidential nomination of the Republican Party in 2016. Senator Cruz spoke to a political gathering a few days ago. He denounced the group known as the Islamic State, also called ISIS.

美国国会成员曾表示担忧伊斯兰国激进分子造成的威胁。一些成员要求实施密集的空袭。德克萨斯州参议员Ted Cruz可能寻求被共和党人提名为2016年总统候选人。参议员Ted Cruz几天前在一场政治聚会上发表讲话。他谴责了伊斯兰国激进组织,也叫做ISIS。

“Well, ISIS says they want to go back and reject modernity. Well, I think we should help them. We ought to bomb them back to the Stone Age.” 


But other lawmakers appear willing to give the Obama administration more time to develop a plan for dealing with the Islamic State. Washington Congressman Adam Smith is a member of Mr. Obama’s Democratic Party. He appeared on the CBS television program “Face the Nation.”

但是其他议员似乎愿意给奥巴马政府更多时间来制定打击伊斯兰国的计划。华盛顿议员Adam Smith是奥巴马民主党成员。他参加了CBS电视台的《面向全国》节目。

“It takes time to build a coalition. We can’t simply bomb first and ask questions later. We have to have the right targets and the right support in order to be effective in stopping ISIS.”


There have been few public opinion surveys about the threat from the militants and what the United States should do about it. One recent poll taken before the murder of Steven Sotloff found Americans divided on the question of whether to intervene in Iraq.


Karlyn Bowman studies U.S. public opinion at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C. She says many Americans are likely to see the Islamic State as a threat worthy of some form of military action.

Karlyn Bowman在华盛顿特区美国企业研究所研究美国民意。她表示,许多美国人可能认为伊斯兰国造成巨大的威胁,值得美国采取一些军事行动。

However, public support is not likely to extend to the use of U.S. ground troops, says John Mueller of Ohio State University.

然而,公共支持不会拓展至允许美国派遣军队。俄亥俄州立大学的John Mueller表示。

The American public will have many chances to express itself in the weeks to come. Congress returns to Washington next week. How the United States should react to the Islamic State is likely to be a major issue. Some lawmakers are already urging the president to seek congressional approval before launching a wider military campaign against the group.

