美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-08-03(在线收听

 In Gaza, 2 separate attacks on Wednesday pushing the Palestinian death toll past 1,300 in the past few weeks. Israeli tank shells slammed into a UN school sheltering Palestinians. 15 people were killed. Israel says its soldiers were targeted first and then they fired back.

Workers at UCLA are cleaning up water damage after a century-old pipeline burst. About 8 million gallons of water spilled onto the campus. Officials say repairing the pipe could take several days.
The United Kingdom says it will start road testing driverless cars next year. Officials say the trial program will last up to 3 years. Similar cars are already being developed in Japan and the US.
Mysterious crop circles in Bavaria. Thousands of people are visiting this field after the circles were disovered last week. The farmer of the land says he didn't create the crop circles and he is not sure if he will keep them.
Padmananda Rama, The Associated Press with AP News Minute. 