美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-08-10(在线收听

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended the actions of Israel's military during the rerent war in the Gaza Strip, saying heavy civilian casualities were caused by Hamas. Nearly 1,900 Palestinians were killed in the recent war. Israel says 900 of them were Israeli militants.
Meanwhile, Israel pulled more troops back from the Gaza border Wednesday as a cease-fire with Hamas continues to hold. Negociations are set to take place in Cairo in the coming days to work on hammering out a longer term deal.
President Obama, posing with African leaders on the 3rd day of the Africa Summit in Washington. Talks Wednesday focused on increasing security and limiting corruption on the Continent. The White House touting the summit as the largest ever gathering of African leaders in the United States.
And a miraculous rescue among the rubble of an earthquake in southern China. Rescuers pulled a woman out of the debris after being trapped for several days. The death toll rose Wednesday to nearly 600.
Robert Bumsted, The Associated Press with AP News Minute.