NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2014-08-12(在线收听

 The Pentagon says a new round of air strikes for US fighter jets and unmanned drones targeted Islamic militants in northern Iraq.The US central command says the strike's to destroy armed vehicles including one that was firing on Kurdish forces approaching the city of Arbil.Congressman Peter King told NBC's meet the press the US can not afford to wait before hitting the Iraqi militants harder.Everyday that goes by,ISIS builds up its caliphate and it becomes a direct threat to the United States of America.They are more powerful now that Al Qaeda was on 9/11.This is the fourth round of air strikes against Islamic State forces and the strikes were authorized by president Obama.

Meanwhile the prime minister of Iraq says he will file a legal complaint against the country's new president for committing a clear constitutional violation. Nouri al-Maliki says Fouad Massoum didn't name a prime minister by today's deadline.But the US says it fully supports Massoum.State Department deputy spokeswoman Marie Harf says in a statement that the US affirms its support for a process to select a prime minister who can build a national consensus.
In Turkey,unofficial results show prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan making history by becoming the republican's first elected president.NPR's Peter Kenyon reports from Istanbul that Erdogan appears to have gained over 50% of the votes against two rivals,avoiding a run-off.The results won't be official before Monday if not later.But Erdogan's party,the AKP,declared their man the victor a few hours after the polls closed.On paper,the job shift suggest a big demotion in power.Turkey's president has traditionally been a non-partisan,largely ceremonial figure.But the prime minister has already make clear his intent to expend presidential powers,possibly signaling a dramatic change in Turkey's system of governance.Erdogan vastly outspent his two rivals and received the lion's share immediate time,especially among pro-government or state-run outlets.But to establish his strong executive,he'll need the support of two thirds of the parliament,a super majority that's been proved elusive in the past.Peter Kenyon,NPR news,Istanbul.
The Justice Department is monitoring the shooting of a black teenager by a police officer in St Louis.St Louis public radio's Camil Phillips reports that police continue their investigation.County police have not released the name of the officer who shot unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown.St Louis county police chief John Belmar says the shooting was preceded by a physical confrontation instigated by Brown and another unidentified young man.According to Belmar,Brown shut the officer into the police car where the two fought for the officer's gun.Brown was shot several times outside of the car but Belmar wouldn't say whether Brown was fleeing at the time of the shooting.I don't want to do anything that would ever prejudice this case on either side of it.The officer has been on administrative leave with pay.For NPR news I'm Camil Phillips in St Louis.
Rory Mcllory has won the PGA championship at Valhalla for the second straight major and the fourth overall win.
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Another 72-hour ceasefire has been agreed to by Hamas and Israel and it's under way now.If it lasts,it will clear the way for the resumption of indirect talks in Cairo on a long-term ceasefire arrangement.Egypt brokered similar talks last week,but the truce ended Friday when Hamas threw some fire on Israel and Israel responded.
Mounting tensions between China and smaller neighbours over a maritime dispute has secretary of state John Kerry urging all sides to peacefully resolve the issue.Speaking to the foreign minister of China and the ten member of the association of the Southeast Asia nations in Myanmar,also known as Burma today ,Kerry says the nations must make clear their territorial claims in the South China Sea.
In Hawaii,a historical upset in the primary,an incumbent Democratic governer was defeated for the first time.Wayne Yoshioka from Hawaii public radio has more.The state senator David Ige entered the race for governor six months ago,barely known beyond his senate district.He faced incumbent governor Neil Abercrombie,a former ten-term congressman with ten times the amount in campaign financing.Ige prevailed with a more than 2 to 1 margin of victory.I definitely was surprised.You know,we thought that we would be victorious,but we were surprised by the margin.Ige now heads to the general election in November.For NPR news I'm Wayne Yoshioka in Honolulu.
Hurricane Julio continues to move away from Hawaii.The national weather service says it's unlikely to pose a threat to the island chain,comes on the heels of a tropical storm Iselle.Forecasters say Julio though will bring more hot and muggy weather.