

After Ferguson, New Focus on Race and Policing 弗格森枪击案后种族和治安问题再度引发关注


The fatal police shooting of an unarmed teen in Ferguson, Missouri, has brought new attention to other allegations of excessive force and bias against racial minorities and poor communities.

Days after the Ferguson shooting, police in nearby St. Louis shot and killed Kajieme Powell, a mentally-disturbed man who was holding a knife. 

A largely black crowd of New Yorkers demonstrated recently to protest the July death of Eric Garner.


He died after police put him in a chokehold while trying to arrest him for a misdemeanor.


Jumaane Williams is a member of the New York City Council. In 2011, he and a friend, another black man, were shoved around and mistakenly arrested at a West Indian Day parade.



“We both ended up in cuffs. And I firmly believe, and said then that if we were of a different hue, it wouldn't have happened the way that it happened."


Williams says that while most police serve honorably, some are biased—and express it with over-policing or using excessive force against people of color or the poor.


“It's something we have to look into, and what bothers me about not addressing race and class being policed differently, you're invalidating whole communities and the experiences they've had."


The New York Police Department has announced plans for retraining officers in the use of force and community relations.


Effective anti-racism training is also necessary—says former police officer Eugene O'Donnell. But he says errors and abuse in policing are not the primary problem.


“Not that there's not issues in the police world, but the larger questions of why do we have more laws with every passing year, why is the authority of the police so broad, why is it almost impossible to convict police who are on duty of crimes? Those are legislative and often assisted by judicial and prosecutorial decisions."


O'Donnell says that focusing on police ignores the real issue: the many laws, arrest warrants and sentencing guidelines that funnel people in poor communities, especially minorities, into prison.

