美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-08-13(在线收听

 Welcome to CNN student news. We bring commercial free c____ in middle and high school classrooms. And today we kick in of a 2014-2015 school year. Awesome. My name is called Azose. Let's look at some news.    

There has been a lot going on over the summer including conflicts poorer in the Middle East when involves Hamas and Israel. Hamas is a political party what the US and other countries consider a terrorist group. Hamas controls the Palestinian intenitory_ of Gaza. It is been blame for firing enormous rockets into Israel. Israel has launched air-strikes and the ground operations to destroy Hamas's secret tunnels. Officials estimate that hundreds of Palestinian military and even more civilians have been killed. Israel says 64 of the soldiers and 3 of its civilians have been killed. The two sides excepted the temporary cease fire yesterday, but previous one have fo__ in the park.
Even sees in the Middle East experts and diplomas I talk to say that prices in the Middle East now is the worst days I have seen it. And what for the reason it is the motibal_ crisis happening at the same time.
Let's start with Israel and Gaza. This is a cause a year old, a decade old conflict. But there are new complications. One is economic desperation inside Gaza in part because of economic block and block of the smardling_ tunnels really no money is coming in there no treat, not put Hamas in a desperate position which some believe make it have much less to lose with a military conflict even was outmatched by Israel. 
More broadly, a lot of the traditional mediators in this conflict just don't have the same influence they used to have in the past. The US with someone less involvement in the region in the past, but also errornations for one Egypt must less sipthetic_ to the Hamas calls <single ___ error leader shot> in the past __ much more publicly critical of Israel offence there. This time they haven't been because they are so much against to Masoo who is gonna broke a peace steal is difficult to find mediator to all-side consider trust wounded.  
Well, Israel is basing Hamas in Gaza several other countries in the region at the same time facing Ices--- its lamisday_ in Iraq consery_ which now calls itself simply dear La Misday.
And if calls started in serious, one of the several rival groups with fighting the R___ of the Bush rather side. But then from there spear over into a rock and now it is making enormous p___ stairs taking over virtually of the third country---the north and the west of the countries its expense threading other countries in its reach the border of Turkey, the border of Jordan, the border of Sodirabia. And this countries are very concerned about s___. Sodirabia sent 30.000 new troops to its border with Iraq to keep ices out. And we even saw eyes expense in Levenan taking over a town there. 
Ices or islomic_ in Iraq conseries concern so many people in the region partly because it's a bruddle_ terrorist organization. And it aims to kill anyone who doesn't practice its stripe interpertation. Ices has been accused a murdering hundreds of civilians including children throughout Middle East. The US particularly concern about the situation in Iraq. The last American comeback troops from US led the world there left in 2011. Now the American military is once again involved in Iraq.
President Obama has authorized air-strike against Ices target. The intents to protest civilians including Iraqi minorities and Americans in Iraq from Ices. 
The ___ ministration blames a week Iraqi government for the quick events of Ices in the countries US wants to see political reform in Iraq.