美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-08-15(在线收听

 Today's show starts with a dramatic rescue out of Iraq. ISIS, or Islamic State, is the name of a brutal terrorist group that is fighting for control of Iraq. It's then murdering civilians who don't practise ISIS's strict interpretation of Islam. That includes the Yazidis, a group whose religion is older than Islam. ISIS trapped tens of thousands of Yazidis on Mount *, northwestern Iraq. Conditions are so bad for these civilians that about 20,000 of them fled to Syria, a country currently at civil war. A CNN reporter was aboard a helicopter delivering supplies, *, food, shoes. When the aircraft landed, a desperate group of people pushed children, the injured, the elderly, about 20 in all, aboard the * for rescue. Despite being shot at by ISIS fighters on this flight, a rocket forces had been able to rescue about 100 to 150 people a day like this. But dozens of Yazidis have died on this mountain. They are facing hunger, thirst and extreme temperatures.  

We mentioned yesterday that so much had happened over the summer. Another nation in conflict is Ukraine. On one side, there is the relatively new Ukrainian government. Its president was elected in May, a couple months after Ukraine previously was forced out. The new government has allies itself and signed a trade deal with the European Union. It also has the support of the United States. On the other side, separatists toward Ukraine have closer ties with Russia. They are fighting for control of areas in eastern Ukraine. And US accuses Russia of helping these rivals. It is increased sanctions, economic punishment on Russia to * * Ukraine. As the fighting between Ukrainian forces and separatists * over the summer, a Malaysia Airline's plane, Flight MH17, was apparently shot down as it flew over eastern Ukraine. All 298 people aboard were killed.