学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 2118 override(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是 override. Override 动词,有推翻的意思,过去时是 overrode。Missouri lawmakers overrode Governor Nixon's veto to pass the law, requiring women to wait 72 hours before getting an abortion. 密苏里州议员推翻了尼克松州长的否决,通过立法,要求女性在堕胎前必须等待72小时。八月份的时候,San Diego City Council voted to override Mayor Kevin Faulconer's veto of the minimum wage increase. 美国圣地亚哥市议会投票,推翻了市长弗尔克纳对提高最低工资议案的否决。好的,今天我们学习的词是 override, override, override...
