财富精英励志演讲 第154期:携手打造电子化世界(6)(在线收听

 So let me turn now to our other systems business — PCs. HP has come from virtually nowhere to become a major player — No. 3 in the world, according to IDC at the end of FY 97. This growth has been fueled by product contributions. Last year, HP earned more than 50 awards for new products introduced in the PC arena. We've been stressing the three major areas you see here. First, manageability. We believe that we can help customers reduce the total life cycle cost of PCs by about half. Notice I said life cycle costs, not just purchase price. We have developed a powerful management package called TopTools, and it allows IT administrators to gather 350 key items of information about the PC and to manage the PCs remotely. This information feeds into HP OpenView's Desktop Administrator to deliver the most comprehensive desktop-management solution on the market. HP PCs, NetServers and desktop management system were recently employed by the Government of China in a prototype project which hooks up the Sichuan Province Economic Information System to the National Information Center. Second, availability. We are working with Microsoft to deliver high availability on NT servers. We were the first in the industry to ship Microsoft Cluster Server, which provides shared storage between two computing nodes and automatically restarts an application on another node if one fails.

接下来我要谈谈我们其他的系统业务,即PC机。事实上,惠普是从白手起家开始发展成为主要的生产厂商的。据国际数据中心1997年年底的财政统计,惠普已成为世界第三大PC生产厂家。产品的贡献进一步促进了这一发展。去年,惠普不断推出新型产品,为此荣获了 50余项大奖。我们一直在如下三个方面不断努力的:第一,可操作性。我们认为可以帮助客户将PC机的总生存周期成本降低50%。请注意,我指的是总生存周期成本,而不仅仅是售价。我们开发出了功能强大的管理套件,叫TopTools。它可使IT管理人员收集350项有关PC机的信息,并可远程管理PC机。这一信息供给惠普OpenView的台式管理器,将最具综合性的台式管理解决方案推向市场。最近,中国政府在示范性工程中使用了惠普的PC 机,NetServer以及台式管理系统, 该项目旨在将四川省经济信息系统与国家倌息中心连接起来。第二,可用性。我们与微软公司合作提高NT服务器的可用性。我们在业内率先经销微软的群集服务器,该服务器可为两个计算节点提供共享存储器。如一个节点出现故障,服务器可重新启动另一个节点的应用程序。