财富精英励志演讲 第155期:携手打造电子化世界(7)(在线收听

 We have integrated into the solution some technology brought over from the Unix side of the house, called Cluster View, which makes it possible to monitor multiple Microsoft Cluster Servers. This is another one of the benefits customers receive from HP's strong support for both Unix and NT. We are able to leverage strengths across these two environments. Finally, performance. Our 8-way, NT-based server is powered by eight 200 MHz processors, each with 1 MB of cache memory. This allows the system to support 14,000 Microsoft Exchange users and 1600 SAP Sales & Distribution users. This is truly enterprise-class performance. Intel and Hewlett-Packard have jointly defined a new architecture technology called EPIC (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing). The name signals the ability of the software to extract maximum parallelism — that is, a potential to do work in parallel — in the original code and "explicitly" describe it to the hardware. This architecture goes beyond the limitations of current architectures and is ideal for the advanced, multimedia applications of the future.

我们在该解决方案中集成了UNIX的某些技术,如Cluster View。这一技术可用于监测多个微软群集服务器。这是客户从惠普为UNIX和NT提供强大支持中获得的另一好处。我们可以充分发挥在这两个环境中的优势。最后一项是性能。我们的通路,基于NT的服务器,是由八台200 MHz处理器驱动的,每一台都配以1 MB高速缓存。这可使该系统支持 14,000 Microsoft Exchange 用户以及1600 SAP销售及经销用户。这确实提供了企业级的性能。英特尔公司和惠普公司联合确定了一项新的基础结构技术,名为EPIC (显式并行指令计算)。这个名称表明,软件能在原始代码中提取最大限度的并行性。这就是说,具有在源代码中并行运作的潜力,并可明确地向硬件描述。这一基础结构超出了现有基础结构的限制,适合未来先进的,多媒体的基础结构。