财富精英励志演讲 第156期:携手打造电子化世界(8)(在线收听

 It will enable both Unix and NT to run on the same hardware platform. The architecture provides excellent investment protection for customers running applications on current Intel-based and PA-RISC systems. Customers can run their current applications unchanged on these new systems, achieving somewhere between 60-80 percent of the architecture's peak performance by just recompiling their applications. Our transition strategy is very customer-friendly. Customers can choose when they migrate, and their applications can coexist on both the old and new architectures. We believe we're years ahead of the competition in thinking about this transition. We are working closely with all the major independent software vendors — industry leaders such as Oracle and Informix, SAP and PeopleSoft — to make sure their products are optimized for the new architecture by the time it is launched. Finally, we are quite clear about our intention to make this architecture an industry standard. That means there must be a level playing field for our competitors in terms of access to this new architecture. So we're delighted to see strong competitors like Compaq endorse it. We are confident that we can still differentiate HP products above and beyond the microprocessor level. We have lots of expertise in systems-level architectures, high-availability and reliability, advanced compiler technology, powerful middleware and networking capabilities. And we will complete the value proposition with our worldwide service and support capabilities, strong partnerships with solution providers and diverse distribution channels. So differentiating in the new era will be "business as usual" for HP.

它可使 UNIX和NT在同一硬件平台上运行。该基础结构为目前在基于Intel和PA-RISC系统上运行的应用程序的客户提供了良好的投资保护。客户可在新的系统上运行现有的应用程序,只需重新编译其应用程序,即可获得基础结构最高性能的60%至80%。我们的过渡战略奉行客户至上的原则。客户在迁移时即可选择,而他们的应用程序可在新、旧基础结构中并存。我们认为,就这一过渡而言,我们比竞争对手先进若干年。目前,我们与所有主要的独立软件厂商,诸如甲骨文公司、Informix公司、SAP公司及PeopleSoft公司等业界领先者合作并确保它们的产品在上市之时适用于新的基础结构。最后,我们的目标非常明确,就是将这一基础结构变为行业标准。这就意味着,就访问这一新的基础结构而言,必须为竞争者提供毫无障碍的场所。因此,我们高兴地看到,诸如康柏电脑公司这样的强有力的竞争对手也对此表示了认同。我们信心十足地表示惠普的产品仍将高于并超出微处理器的水平。我们在系统级基础结构、高度可用性以及可靠性、先进的编译程序技术、强大的中间设备以及网络功能方面拥有许多专门知识。我们将强化我们的全球服务和支持能力,实现我们的价值主张,加强与解决方案供应商的合作关系,并多方开辟经销渠道。所以,对惠普来说,在新时期,追求不同仍是“一如既往的业务”。