英语听力:自然百科 鲨鱼湾的海豚—6(在线收听

 "Here's Puck right here with India. He just stroked her along the side. Right now, Puck seems to be very tolerant of India. I don't know if that will happen when the baby is born, and she might really have to push India out of the way. Puck can't support two calves at once and certainly not a giant one along with the little one."

Home for the research team is this mobile caravan. It's been a long day following different families in the Bay. The life stories of more than 1,600 dolphins are stored in this state-of-the-art database - every birth, every death, every interaction is input with pains-taking detail.
"When I started this research project in the 1980s, literally nothing was known about wild bottlenose dolphins. And since then we've learned a tremendous amount. But we still haven't followed a single animal from birth to very old age."
Puck could be the first wild dolphin whose entire life story is known. Three weeks later, Puck's still waiting for her baby to be born. Today, she's out hunting alone. These grassy meadows are exceptionally rich feeding grounds, but it's dangerous hunting out here. The tiger sharks are arriving, and this is their favorite place to feed. A stealth hunter, it uses the cover of the sea grass to creep up on its prey.