英语听力:自然百科 鲨鱼湾的海豚—16(在线收听

 Three days past, and the research team is once again out looking for the beaches. They catch up with Puck and Semu, she leads him out into deep water for the first time, which is a first big challenge. Deep water is a much more dangerous place for Semu, he could easily get lost. He's still learning his mother's call. Sensing the danger, Semu stays closer to her side, mirroring her every move as he swept along in Puck's history. 

“Semu was indeed a little bit more coordinated today, and low like skittish, keeping it well with mum”
Normally, caves can only dive a meter or so in their first week of life, but Semu is diving deeper and for longer than any other calves  the researchers have seen before. It's a good sign. It's Semu doing so well, Puck's finally able to start fishing again. She heads for a bait ball. Mothers lose a lot of weight in the first week of their calves' life. While Puck's nursing, she needs to increase her food intake by 50%. Later that afternoon, something very unexpected happens as visitors from across the bay start arriving. Mothers and calves from at least 3 different families are gathering to meet Semu.