英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁:自然奇迹—20(在线收听

 A coral reef during the day is a very different place from a coral reef at night. The atmosphere changes completely. 

The day shift has logged off, and the night shift has gone to work. It's mean and moody, and the animals here mean business.
Just as in human cities, there's a new cast of characters after dark. 
Octopus emerge from their holes to stalk their prey.
A tiny sole improves his  chances of survival by mimicking a toxic flatworm. Some of the strangest nocturnal creatures are relatives of the starfish, like this feather-mouthed sea cucumber, sifting food from the sand.
Another is the basket star. It comes alive at night, throwing out thousands of arms to filter food from the plankton-rich current.
These animals can live for a very long time, up to 35 years. And there's records of these guys being seen night after night, in the same place for over 15 years.