大学体验英语听说教程 第一册Unit09(在线收听

Unit 9  It’s a great job

Vocabulary Task


1.     Phillippe is a courier. He rides his bicycle all day. He delivers packages.

2.     Marta is a ski instructor. She teaches people how to ski.

3.     Ryan is a math teacher. He teaches geometry to high school students.

4.     Yan-woo is a bus driver. He drives a tour bus.

5.     Gabriella is a computer programmer. She writes software for children.

6.     Yoshi is a photographer. He takes photos for a newspaper.

7.     Ana is a flight attendant. She works for an international airline.

8.     Carlos is a hotel clerk. He works at the front desk of a major hotel.

Listening Task

1 First Listening


4 (computer programmer), 2 (flight attendant), 3 (courier), 1 (dog walker)

2 Second Listening


1.     it’s fun

2.     gets to travel a lot; loves to fly; meets a lot of people

3.     goes fast when the cars move slowly

4.     likes to work on software


1.     My job is very fun because I go to the park every day. There are four dogs I walk. Two dogs are big and black, one dog is small and white, and one is small and brown.

2.     My job is the best. I get to travel a lot. I love to fly. And I meet a lot of nice people.

3.     My job is dangerous. Sometimes cars don’t stop for me… But on my bicycle I can move in traffic very quickly. I like to go fast when the cars just move slowly.

4.     I like my job. I like to work on software. But sometimes I get tired of sitting at a computer all day.

Real World Listening

1 Predict

2 Get the main ideas


1.     T

2.     F        (He knows how to use a computer and send faxes.)

3.     F        (He knows how to swim.)

4.     T

5.     T

6.     F        (He can’t work on Sundays.)

7.     T


Interviewer:     Good morning. Are you Daniel Rodriguez?

Daniel:            Yes, I am.

Interviewer:     How are you today?

Daniel:            Fine, thanks.

Interviewer:     I understand you want to get a job here at the hotel.

Daniel:            Yes, I do.

Interviewer:     Well, tell me a little about yourself. First, what languages do you speak?

Daniel:            I can speak English, and of course Spanish. And a little Japanese.

Interviewer:     Can you work at the front desk? Use a computer? Send faxes, e-mail and so on?

Daniel:            Sure, I can use a computer. I can do all that.

Interviewer:     Okay. Let’s see. There are a lot of other jobs here at the hotel, so I need to find out what else you can do. Can you swim? We have a swimming pool here.

Daniel:            Yes, I can swim.

Interviewer:     We have four restaurants. And one coffee shop. Can you wait tables?

Daniel:            Yeah, I worked as a waiter at a restaurant last year.

Interviewer:     Can you cook?

Daniel:            Um, no, I can’t cook.

Interviewer:     Are you strong? Can you carry heavy suitcases?

Daniel:            I think so.

Interviewer:     How about weekends? That’s our busiest time. Can you work on weekends?

Daniel:            Uh, I can work Saturdays, but not Sundays.

Interviewer:     Hmm. I see. Now the most important question is: Do you like working with people? At a hotel, you work with people al day.

Daniel:            yeah, I can work with a lot of people. I came from a big family.

Interviewer:     Well, Daniel. Thank you for coming in today. I’ll give you a call in a few days.

Daniel:            Thank you. Good-bye.

Interviewer:     Good-bye.
