英语听力:探索发现 科学新发现:我们的大气层-23(在线收听

 But the friction and heat wears away at the space rock, the hot air actually melts the metal surface, and often the collision with the atmosphere can have a shattering effect, splitting the meteorites along fissures.

This is an actual meteorite, and if this were doing counter the atmosphere at high speed in its current condition, and that's the result.
Only fragments of the original asteroids survive the fall to Earth, their speed has dropped from 17,000 to 300 miles an hour, rock as big as station wagons have shrunk to the size of golf balls, the impact on the surface forming holes a few inches deep, the chances of finding one are remote.
Here we go. I'll get the shovel, right about there, maestro.
It looks promising, but this time the guys are out of luck.
So yeah we've found a plough, and basically a lot of different types of trash can be in these fields and so anything that's ferrous our detector is going to pick up, meteorwrong as we call it as opposed to meteorite.
On average they uncover 75 meteorwrongs for every meteorite.