Villa Rothchilds, France 罗杰别墅(在线收听

The Villa is one of the few places on the Riviera where you can tour a grand Belle Epoque mansion. It was built for the Baroness Ephrussi de Rothschild in the early 1900s. She supervised and directed its design. The Villa overflows with works of art, tapestry, furniture and statuary. The Baroness Ephrussi de Rothschild collected fanatically. In particular, she adored regal art from the 18th century. Her eccentric whims included dressing as Marie-Antoinette and throwing dinner parties in the style of a record at the time. An acquaintance said she almost always wore pink dresses and seemed eternally ready to go to an elegant ball.

You can stop for a drink in the elegant tearoom or wander through extensive gardens with spectacular views to the Mediterranean.

whim:A sudden or capricious idea; a fancy
throw dinner parties :hold dinner parties
