美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-10-15(在线收听

 1. A Texas health care worker tested positive for Ebola even though she wore full-protective gear while caring for Thomas Eric Duncan who died from the virus. The CDC confirmed the diagnosis, making it the first known case of the disease being contracted or transmitted in the US. 

2. Black smoke billowed over Kobani, Syria following a US-led coalition airstrike aimed at repelling the Islamic State militant group which is advancing on the city from two sides. The strikes appear to have done little to blunt the Islamic State onslaught on Kobani, which began amid September. 
3. Hong Kong’s chief executive said he will not resign as he doesn’t think it will solve the current political gridlock between the government and pro-democracy protesters. Negotiations between the Hong Kong government and students on Friday were shelved by the government as the two sides couldn’t agree on an agenda. 
4. Thousands of Jews received a ritual blessing at Jerusalem’s Western Wall, Judaism’s holiest site. The faithful covered their heads with white prayer shawls as they recited the priestly blessing on the wall. 