美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-10-18(在线收听

 1. The Texas nurse infected with Ebola says in a statement that she is “doing well”.  Nina Pham is being treated for Ebola that she contracted while caring for a Liberian man at a Dallas hospital who died from the disease.

2. North Korean state media broadcasted images of leader Kim Jong Un on Tuesday, ending a media absence that drove a frenzy of global speculation. The State media did not say when the visit happened, nor did it address the leader’s health. 
3. The White House says the President Barack Obama is waiting until after the midterm election to nominate an Attorney General. Senate Democrats have asked Obama to wait so the nomination does not become a campaign issue. 
4. Twitter users in France can now use a new payment service backed by the country’s second largest banking service. Users tweet a payment request to S-Money and a tweet to the destination confirming payment for all world to see. The service only works to between users in France.