NPR 美国国家电台 2014-10-09(在线收听

 The several throusand US troops who head into west Africa will have a core mission to stop the spread of Ebola Virus. NPR's Tom Bowman reports those troops will take numerous precautions to make sure they don't become infected themselves.

More than 3000 Aemeican troops will arrive in Liberia by the end of the month. They will buid clinics for health care workeers. Others will train those workers.
Stopping the spread of this disease is the core mission. That's General David Rodriguez who has Africa command.
We are all focused and all of our efforts accomplishes both by supporting the international effort and by keeping our own people as safe as we can. 
Those highly trained soldioers in full protective gear will stuff estimated seven moble testing labs. Three or four soldiers in each lab. Soldiers now in contact with population Rodriguez said will wear gloves and masks.
Tom Bowman, NPR news, Washington.
The FBI is asking for help identifying an English speaking man in a new video from the so-called Islamic State. NPR's Dina Temple-Raston explained that the FBI doesn't know if he is from the US or from Canada.
The man about whom the FBI is so curious, who is in a 65 minutes video from the terrorist group. He speaks Abric and English and look to be ocstrating a mass execution of Syrian soldiers. The Jahotic face is covered by forizas, and he claims to be near the Syrian city of Raca. Supervising what he says are millitary man Digling Grace. US officials say there are about 140 Americans who have left the US for Syria, and about a dozen of them are thought to have joined the group known as the Islamic State. The FBI wants help from anyone who might recognize the man in the video. Director James Comey has said the FBI is tracking Americans who have joint the group. Dinna Temple-Raston. NPR news.
The United Nations envoyed Syria's con for urging international response to vise the group calling itself the Islamic State near Kutish town boarder with Turkey when official global community cannot sit by while other cities fall to the extremist group. Davide Taker is the director of the air politics program while the Washington institute for nearest policy he says this is unfotrunate that Turkey with a strong millitary so far sat idly by.
Turkey pays on a bigger war ISIS Unfortrunately there is not going to be the program on the ground. 
US millitary says the American lead coallitoin has carried out air strikes anainst Islamic state millitance in Syria for Kurtish fighter bombing are out of gun.
An air tanker being used to drop water on a wild fire burning the new samdy National Park reportedly crashed with no one knowing fate of the pilot. The 200 deploit the plane earlier today Spokeman says the plane went dwon within a mile the park west entrance by single piolot without a clue fighting now growing to 138 acres. 
Stocks on the wallstreet today. The Dow was down 272 points 16319, The NASDQ fell 49 points. This is NPR.
President Obama met today with a retired secret service agent who's agreed to lead the department on an intern basis. According to Whith House spokesman Josh Earnest President Barack Obama's acting director Joe Cansi sat down at the over office. Cansi was most recently the head of the agency's Presidential protection division and had been head of Obama's security detail. Cansi agreed to return to service after director Julie Appereson's resignation last week.  Parison's stepped down after series of mis.. of the agency including an incident where a knife weilding man was able to get inside the white house. 
A record 69% of students are graduating from college with debt. That's ccording to a new anlysis, NPR's Jennifer Ludden reports the biggest increase in borrowing has been among more affluence student. 
The Pure research center compared rates with two decades ago when just half of college graduates took up loans. Students from low income families are still the most likely to borrow. More than three quarters of them have debt. But now Pure finds so do half or more students from upper or middle and higher income families. Those rates have roughly doubled in 20 years. Pure finds the typical amount college graduates borrow has also doubled to nearly 27,000 dollars. And that's only what the students' dose. The Pure report does not include other loans taken up by parents. Jennifer Ludden NPR news in Washington.
European Unions says one of the key groups that look at competetion is opening a formal probe into online retailer Amazon.It issues the company's corperation's income tax practices. EU's executive commitioner is looking at whether tax deals between Amazon and the government of Luxembourg consitude  ilegal state aid. According to the commission the tax deal Amazon allowed the company record most of the European profits in the country, but not be taxed there. I'm Jack Speer NPR news in Washington.