
Question for all you parents, would your kids ever wear a 15-dollar pair of shoes, 15 bucks, that is. Or would they scoff at the idea, a lot of kids wouldn't even blink at the prospect of dropping 100 dollars or more on sneakers, but now one NBA star is trying to teach kids to invest in themselves instead of their shoes.

Call it the back-to-school battle between what kids want and what parents have to shell out to get it for them.

For every kid, they are really the must-have items, they are items their friends have, they are items that they read about, and these items are super-expensive, and not just expensive for a kid's standard(s) expensive for a parent's standards.

They wanna have, you know, hundred-dollar jeans and.... I'm just not used to spending that for kids.

I always get, like fighting with my parents of, I'm spending too much, I don't need this.

And my mom always talks about like, when she, when she was still back to school shopping, she would get like 10 dollars. 10 dollars is like the price of probably a sleeve or something.

What('s) the price of this fall's hot new sneaker? Now, don't wow.

Hey, how are you doing?

How are you doing?


If this man has his way, the basketball shoe your kids will be clamoring for this fall could cost under 15 dollars.

For this shoe I had here, this is the state-of-the-art technology shoe right here, (Ohh..) This is the Starbury One.

His name is Stephon Marbury. His fans know him as the starting Point Guard for the NBA's New York Knicks.

So it's 14.98, not 200 dollars, not 150 dollars, you know as well as anybody that some kids were being killed . . .( Definitely.) Getting killed for the shoes.

I mean now we’re putting people in the situation where people don't have to go to famines because of a pair of sneakers.

Marbury has teamed up with national retailer Steve & Barry to create his own line of shoes and apparel.

So nice for you did for family, (yeah)
Thank you, thank you, I can afford these shoes.

Sneaker pitchman for a pro-athlete is a familiar role, but Stephon is pitching a very unfamiliar and unique product, a basketball shoe that's at 14 dollars and 98 cents, (Thank you) is actually affordable in a market where the hot sneaker can cost more than 10 times that.

I'll bring to the deal with no money, I didn't want any money, I just want it based on what we perform, how we perform.

But make no mistake, this is a business decision. An athlete of Marbury stature can typically command a 7- figure income endorsing athletic shoes. So While he's giving up that guaranteed money for a chance that a bigger pay day on the back-end, Marbury claims he is just interested in the cultural impact.

I try to tell kids, don't wanna live here, don't wanna be here forever, always wanna be a visitor, 'cause when you're a visitor, that's when you know that you've made it.

Marbury grew up here in Coney Island and while he's now one of those visitors, he remains connected to the community.

You turn, I would try

The equipment won't be the issue anymore. A pair of shoes are not gonna make you jump up and dunk. It's not gonna happen.

So will they fly? Here in Coney Island at the court where Stephon Marbury became a playground legend, local kids sure sound like they're buying what Marbury is selling.

Very economical? Is that what you say young man? Excellent.

We are putting people in the situation there. They can buy something that's affordable.
Everybody wants to have that, don't care who you are. Everybody wants a deal, even I want a deal. A fetch.

So You knew it, you know when I wanna leap. . .

scoff: v. scorn, mock, deride, ridicule; eat voraciously (Slang) 嘲笑, 嘲弄; 嘲笑, 嘲弄

shell out:pay, repay; separate completely 交付, 支付

clamor:v. shout; demand loudly 喧嚷; 大声的要求

pitchman:n. salesman at a kiosk; aggressive salesman, energetic salesman 摊贩; 广告员; 商品宣传员
