Genghis Khan 成吉思汗 - 4(在线收听

For the tribe and for Jamuqa(扎木合) it was a decisive moment.

"Men who were sworn brothers share one life. But I began to question whether Jamuqa was truly my blood brother for all eternity."

"It was not right that our differences should force a feud but my wife stopped me from going after him. She warned that one day my blood brother would ride against me."

For Temujin(铁木真), this feud brought back the darkest memory of his childhood.

"I knew where a war between brothers would lead. Even when we were starving, my brother Bekhter(别克帖儿) betrayed us, he refused to share the spoils of a hunt. He died of his wounds."

sworn brothers: people who have sworn to their fraternity, people who have taken an oath of brotherhood

blood brother: one of two men pledged to mutual loyalty by a ceremonial use of each other's blood
