听歌学英语:Firefly (A-Teens 阿巴少年组)(在线收听

来自瑞典的A-Teens(阿巴少年组),自1998年成立以来,不到两年便一飞冲天获得多项国际性奖项、专辑全球热卖的畅销成绩和与超级男孩、布兰妮共同展开的美国巡回演出,使他们成为风靡欧洲的当红青少年偶像团体。 阿巴少年组首支单曲“Mamma Mia”只用了一星期便打破瑞典的销售记录,使得“Mamma Mia”停留在冠军王座2个月,成为1999年瑞典最畅销单曲。

When I said go I never meant away
You ought to know the freaky games we play
could you forgive and learn how to forget
hear me as I'm calling out your name

Firefly come back to me
make the night as bright as day
I'll be looking out for you
tell me that your lonely too
firefly come lead me on
follow you into the sun
that's the way it ought to be
firefly come back to me

You and me
we shared a mystery
we were so close
like honey to the bee
And if you tell me how to make you understand
I'm minor in a major kinda way

Firefly come back to me
make the night as bright as day
I'll be looking out for you
tell me that your lonely too
firefly come lead me on
follow you into the sun
that's the way it ought to be
firefly come back to me

Fly firefly through the sky
come and play with my desire
don't be long don't ask why
I can't wait another night
