
I'm Laura Rich, and I'm the Editorial Director of Inc.com and Fastcompany.com. We decided about a year and a half ago that we really wanted to look at where are the next jobs coming from.

We decided on four criteria to come up with our list: job growth, salary range, investment education, the, the innovation factor.

We look at who's going to need personal finance advisors in the next five years, don't forget about the aging baby boomers.

Chiropractor, believe it or not, is a top job for the next five years. And that's because of an increased focus on more holistic living and alternative medicine.

Epidemiologist, this is one of my favorites, personally, because I think it's so fascinating. We've seen, um, the, er, outbreak of bird flu in China become big headlines here. That's what epidemiologists study and that's going to become even bigger headlines going forward.

Computer system analyst, as the world and business continues to move at a faster and faster pace and it's increasingly relying on technology, computer system analysts are going to become even more and more important.

Producers and directors are going to have lots of different outlets to, to bid for, so that's going to be a big job in the next five years.

Lawyer is a good job to the next five years as there're more businesses, as there're more small businesses which we are seeing. Um, we'll need more lawyers.

The airline pilot or co-pilot, in the next five years, don't expect to see the travel industry turn around, but demand for travellers is expected to increase.

Geoscientist, there's been a lot of focus on um, um, oil in the last year, and geoscientists are very big part of drilling for oil, finding other natural resources, so they're going to be in demand in the next five years.

Medical and health services manager, again, think about the aging baby boomers. We are going to have a lot of need for people into the health industry.

Every single person is going to have to remain flexible in their position and their career and constantly be looking for ways to evolve their careers in order to maintain not only just longevity and success, but also some sort of satisfaction in their jobs.
