访谈录 2014-12-13&12-15 研究:地中海饮食有助保持“基因年轻”(在线收听

 And more evidence on how good the popular Mediterranean diet can be good for your body, a new study reveals why and how it may help you live longer, ABC's Reena has the details.

This morning a diet known for trimming your waistline might also be adding to your life expectancy, a new study says that Mediterranean diet may extend your life by extending a part of your DNA called telomeres, telomeres are the caps on the end of all chromosomes, often compare to the ends of shoe laces, and their leg is a marker of aging, as we age they get shorter, but according to the study the Mediterranean diet keeps them intact, helping to prevent aging from taking its toll on cells, researchers followed nearly 5,000 nurses in a long term study and say those who adhere to a Mediterranean diet ended up with longer telomeres, they say that could translate into an average gain of about 4.5 years of life.
It's good for the heart, it's good for the brain, it's good for the waistline, if diet can modify how we age on a cellular level, that's a big deal.
The diet rich in fish, nuts, vegetable's olive oil, even red wine is also associated with a decreased risk of heart disease and cancer.
This is the first time a study actually showed that women who followed a Mediterranean diet not only looked better, felt better, but internally their cells appear younger.
For good morning America, Reena N, ABC news, New York.