澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-01-22(在线收听

 The top stories. The man is facing court this morning charged with a double murder on the Gold Coast. Police were called to an upper C. home yesterday after the bodies of a 39-year-old woman and a 43-year-old man were discovered by a relative. A five-year-old boy was also inside the home, but he was unhurt. 

Police have ended the search for a semi-rural home on the state's mid-north coast as part of investigations into the disappearance of William Tyrell. The property is rented by a local tradesman who has been interviewed by police. Yesterday an excavator was called to the property. So far no one is being detained or charged. 
Tony Abbott has launched a strong defense of his performance as prime minister as internal criticism of his ladyship mounts. The ABC has been conversing government and pays in senators across the country. And some are concerned Mr. Abbott standing, about Mr. Abbott's standing with voters. Several inpays say the prime minister was talksick in their lectures, and one believed it was gained over for him. 
And the local prize has continued their good form. The Australian Open with three men trot to the third round...in five seats. Gross will play Bernie T. next round after T win over Philip C. The 2009 Champion Ralf Nadal will also set to rise but he needed five sets to get past the American qualified Tim...