澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-02-12(在线收听

 The Human Rights Commission is calling for a Royal Commission into asylum seeker children in detention. The long-awaited report details hundreds of cases of self-harm and finds detainee children as young as three as suffering from depression. The report also details dozens of cases of sex assaults involving children. 

“The stories contained in this report may be very difficult reading and it is a very thorough report. And it's a really important report to be put before government and make it how uncomfortable it might be  for the current government and indeed, the former government.”
Riches Mills there.
The case of two Sydney men charged with planning a terrorist attack will be back in court this morning. The hearing was cut short yesterday because of security concerns. Almar Alkcobe and Marhamad Kier were arrested during a raid on their home at Fire Field in Sydney's west on Tuesday. 
An attending court has sentenced the captain of the Cost Concordia to 16 years in jail. Franscico Codino was found guilty of man-slaughter. Thirty-two people died when the crewship hit rocks and sank off the Italian Island of Ullio three years ago. The procecution had asked for 26 years jail sentence.
The leaders of Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany has began last their talks to try to end the conflict in eastern Ukraine.  The mid-court break meeting in the capital Mensk is the climax of a frank diplomatic push by Europe to try to thresh out a peace plan.