美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-2-6(在线收听

 A major winter storm blasted much of the country from the Midwest to the Northeast on Monday. Chicago saw over 19 inches of snowfall as thousands of flights were canceled at O'Hare International. And in Boston, residents worked to clear the already snow-filled streets, shoveling another 10 inches of snow.

Al Jazeera reporter Peter Greste has been released from an Egyptian prison after more than a year behind bars. The reporter said he was relieved to be freed as Greste will be deported back to his native Australia. Greste's 2 colleagues remain in jail.
Washington's navy yard building has reopened for the time since the deadly mass shooting in 2013. The building underwent extensive renovations and was given a traditional naval christening with the breaking of a champagne bottle.
And Pennsylvinia's most famous groudhog, Punxsutawney Phil's calling for 6 more weeks of winter. The fair weatherman of the Inner Circle annouced the fury rodent saw a shadow, forcasting more cold weather ahead.
Emily Roseman, The Associated Press with AP News Minute.