美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-2-15(在线收听

 This is AP News Minute.

Efforts to broker a peace deal in Ukraine are gaining momentum. Leaders of Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine annouced 4-way talks are scheduled for Wednesday. The aim is to revive the frequently violated September peace plan. These new talks come amid growing calls in the United States to send weapons to Ukraine.
Jordan is reporting that its airforce conducted 56 airstrikes against the Islamic State over the weekend. The airstrikes are in retaliation for the murder of a Jordanian pilot who was set afire while in a cage. Jordan says the airstrikes are only the beginning.
And in Amman, Prince Charles met with king Abudllah and visited Syrian refugee camps. The prince is on a 6-day Middle East tour. He's traveling with Britain International Development Minister.
And former North Carolina head bashketball coach Deam Smith is dead. He was 83. One of the winingest coaches in NCAA men's basketball, he died peacefully at his home.
Tom Ritchie, The Associated Press with AP News Minute.