美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-3-1(在线收听

 The identity of an IS militant who's known as "Jihadi John" may have been uncovered. He's appeared in videos showing the beheading of western hostages. A London-based advocacy group says he shows striking similarities to a Kuwaiti-born man who was raised in London.

The FCC has voted in favor of what's commonly referred to as net neutrality. In a 3-2 vote, the agency approved rules that place the Internet in the same regulatory camp as the telephone. It bans business practices that are unjust or unreasonable and represents the biggest regulatory shake-up to the industry in almost 2 decades.
Los Angeles sheriff's detectives are intestigating a theft of a pearl-adorned dress worn by actress Lupita Nyong'o. She wore it at Sunday's Academy Awards. The dress, worth a 150,000 dollars, was stolen from a west Hollywood hotel.
2 quick-footed llamas dashed in and out of traffic in Arizona. The animals galloped along the sidewalk, through manicured lawns and city streets. Both llamas were eventually lassoed.
Padmananda Rama, The Associated Press with AP News Minute.