
   The 100 people on the list are mostly accused of crimes involving corruption.

  The latest move is part of the "Sky Net" campaign to repatriate corruption suspects.
  Fu Kui is with the Communist Party of China's Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
  "There are several reasons for us to do this. One is to show our determination in hunting down these corrupt officials. We will apprehend them no matter wherever they flee to. The other reason is to create a deterrent to try to dissuade others from becoming potential fugitives."
  The list itself contains the suspects' personal information and the crimes they have allegedly committed.
  Interpol and China's top anti-graft body have put the list together.
  It's available for anyone to look at.
  Duan Daqi with Interpol's China Bureau says the creation of the list will help strengthen global law enforcement cooperation.
  "With the release of the list, we feel we've started creating a global surveillance network. Each country will be able to take different actions according to their laws. Some countries will be able to take measures including arrests, extradition and repatriation based on the list. Others will monitor the whereabouts of the suspected fugitives and report them. The monitoring will also apply to areas such as visas, green cards and bank accounts."
  Huang Feng, head of the Center for International Criminal Law with Beijing Normal University says follow-up work also needs to be done once a fugitive suspect is identified.
  "Once a suspect is in custody, Chinese judicial authorities will have to work through the extradition or repatriation process of the countries involved. Supporting evidence and legal papers will be needed. Otherwise, the suspects may be set free."
  The Chinese government has been actively trying to gain international support for its fight against corruption.
  A "priority" list of fugitives suspected of corruption has reportedly been provided to the United States and Britain.
  Negotiations for new extradition treaties with a number of countries are also underway.
  For CRI, I'm Wang Mengzhen.