CCTV9英语新闻:遇难人数升至432人10人失踪 遇难者和家属DNA比对(在线收听

As of Sunday, 432 bodies have been retrieved from the Yangtze River after sinking of the Eastern Star cruise ship last week, and 10 people remain unaccounted for. 


Search teams are expanding their scope, with thousands scanning a 1,400 kilometer area along the Yangtze River. Two helicopters are also taking part in the mission.


Military forces are working at the boat wreckage site, handling the victims' remains, as well as disassembling the damaged ship and taking measures to prevent any epidemic outbreaks. 


Meanwhile, China's civil affairs ministry is working in the aftermath of the disaster and is involved in tasks such as receiving relatives, identifying the dead through DNA testing and arranging funeral services. 


About 1,500 family members of the victims are now in Jianli County. Four-hundred thirty-four DNA samples have been collected from them and are currently being matched with the victims. Twenty-nine matches have been made so far, and results from the rest are expected to be completed by Monday. 
