CCTV9英语新闻:Dozens of families displaced after floods in Ghana(在线收听

In Ghana, government teams are still working to clean up debris left after Wednesday night's severe flooding in the capital. As many as 200 people are estimated to have died, as they sought shelter at a petrol station, which caught fire before exploding.


Fighting for water. For three days this neighbourhood in Accra's has been without clean water. People are getting desperate.


No water to bath, no water to drink apart from this that we are receiving now from the government.


This was one of the community's worst affected by Wednesday night's floods. Not only has drinking water been contaminated with petrol but sewer systems are blocked with rubbish. To avoid an outbreak of a disease like cholera, clean water is a priority as is rebuilding lives. Many here have seen their homes and possessions destroyed.


Accra's worst-affected communities have been promised help. The government's launched a 13 million dollar emergency fund to assist those who've lost so much in these floods. Victims say they've received some provisions already -- like water and clothing but what they desperately need now is money to try and rebuild their homes.


Jocelyne Nunkwah was at her house on Wednesday night, when the rain began. She says the water soon came in destroying everything in its path.


"It started raining around 5.30 and we thought it would stop. Before we knew what was happening the whole place got flooded. We thought we can smell petro and then the whole place caught fire. We broke this place we climb this wall and we escaped through this roof," she said.


Jocelyne is now staying with a friend. Despite losing so much, she says she still feels lucky.


"I nearly drowned. It took god's grace to save my life. I thought I would die. It's a surprise to me that I am alive today. Our things got spoilt, we don't have anything, not even a dress to wear," she said.


The Ghanaian government estimates that at least 200 people died as a result of the floods which caused a petrol station to explode and turned roads into rivers. Many hundreds more were injured, some missing remain unaccounted for.
