英文歌曲:Emme Packer - A Beautiful World(在线收听

Emme Packer,轻轻浅浅的吉他伴奏,婉转朴素的吟唱,音乐中彰显了indie一贯的沉静和自然,不加修饰,淡得像若有若无的风,以及晨曦渐远时地平线上逝去的那一抹白色。

A beautiful world by Tim Myers

The children outside all are laughing under perfect skies
The shapes and patterns in this season make me feel alive
I wanna shout it from the roof top and tell the world
That, “I was blind but now I see what’s right in front of me!”
It’s a beautiful world I see, everything looks differently
It’s a beautiful world I see, these moments are changing me?
When I look at the sky I see the reason why I know,

When I look out from the window,
The moon and stars shine all their lights down from the heavens
A choir of angels strike a chord and lift their voices
And then we sing out,
“I’ve been lost but now I’ve found what’s right in front of me!”

It’s a beautiful world I see, everything looks differently
It’s a beautiful world I see, these moments are changing me?
When I look at the sky I see the reason why I know,

It’s a beautiful world I see, everything looks differently
It’s a beautiful world I see, these moments are changing me?
When I look at the sky I see the reason why I know,

It’s a beautiful world I see, everything looks differently
It’s a beautiful world I see, these moments are changing me?
When I look at the sky I see the reason why I know,
